16 products
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front of mug that says "Lord, open my lips"back of mug that says "and my mouth will proclaim your praise (and drink my coffee)"
front of coffee mug with image of st. Joseph the worker in gray tonesback of mug says "Grind." in large letters, followed by "Saint Joseph the Worker"
front of mug with resurrected Jesus and various raysback of mug says 'Rise & Shine' in yellow and orange
front of mug that says "RICA Alumni" in yellow with keys in the middle surrounded by words 'one, holy, catholic, apostolic' and 'est. 33 AD'
Kiss Me, I'm Catholic - St. Patrick of Ireland Coffee Mug - 11 oz.Kiss Me, I'm Catholic - St. Patrick of Ireland Coffee Mug - 11 oz.
Things I Didn't Give Up For Lent... Coffee Mug - 11 oz.
Our Lady Of La Leche Coffee Mug - 11 oz.Our Lady Of La Leche Coffee Mug - 11 oz.
Our Lady of Guadalupe & The Eucharist Coffee Mug - 15 oz.Our Lady of Guadalupe & The Eucharist Coffee Mug - 15 oz.
It's Going to be Lit-urgical! Coffee Mug - 11 oz.It's Going to be Lit-urgical! Coffee Mug - 11 oz.
Merry ME-Mas Coffee Mug - 11 oz.Merry ME-Mas Coffee Mug - 11 oz.
It's Christmas, Let's Get Cracking Coffee Mug - 11 oz.It's Christmas, Let's Get Cracking Coffee Mug - 11 oz.
OCIA Alumni Coffee Mug - 11 oz.
Not Not Beer Coffee Mug - 11 oz.Not Not Beer Coffee Mug - 11 oz.
Holy Family Coffee Mug - 11 oz.Holy Family Coffee Mug - 11 oz.
St. Maximilian Kolbe Coffee Mug - 11 oz.St. Maximilian Kolbe Coffee Mug - 11 oz.
Visitation Coffee Mug - 11 oz.Visitation Coffee Mug - 11 oz.