28 products
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a pair of brown socks with a picture Jesus Christa person sitting on the ground with a pair of brown socks with a picture Jesus Christ
Resurrection Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
Purple socks with black ash crosses that say "repent and believe in the gospel' across the toegirl standing against a wall wearing Purple socks with black ash crosses that say "repent and believe in the gospel' across the toe
Lent Kids Socks
Sale price$11.99
a pair of socks that say, truly he is risena pair of socks with a picture of a mountain
Empty Tomb Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
a pair of purple socks with a cross and flowers on itthree pairs of purple socks with a cross and flowers on it
Easter Bloom Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
a pair of purple socks with black crosses on thema person sitting on a chair with their feet up
Lent Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
a pair of blue socks with candles on thema person wearing a pair of blue socks with candles on them
Easter Vigil Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
First Communion Socks - BoysFirst Communion Socks - Boys
a pair of colorful socks two pairs of colorful socks
Easter Egg Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
Easter Sunrise Adult SocksEaster Sunrise Adult Socks
Easter Sunrise Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
Easter Bloom Kids SocksEaster Bloom Kids Socks
Easter Bloom Kids Socks
Sale price$11.99
Close up of empty tomb cling set on a windowlittle boy playing with empty tomb cling set on a window
Empty Tomb Cling Set
Sale price$8.99
Easter Egg Kids SocksEaster Egg Kids Socks
Easter Egg Kids Socks
Sale price$11.99
Empty Tomb Kids SocksEmpty Tomb Kids Socks
Empty Tomb Kids Socks
Sale price$11.99
First Communion Socks - GirlsFirst Communion Socks - Girls
RCIA Alumni StickerRCIA Alumni Sticker
RCIA Alumni Sticker
Sale price$3.99
Resurrection StickerResurrection Sticker
Resurrection Sticker
Sale price$3.99
front of mug with resurrected Jesus and various raysback of mug says 'Rise & Shine' in yellow and orange
Easter Sunrise Kids SocksEaster Sunrise Kids Socks
Easter Sunrise Kids Socks
Sale price$11.99
Sold out
Easter Sunrise Adult XL SocksEaster Sunrise Adult XL Socks
Easter Bloom StickerEaster Bloom Sticker
Easter Bloom Sticker
Sale price$3.99
front of mug that says "RICA Alumni" in yellow with keys in the middle surrounded by words 'one, holy, catholic, apostolic' and 'est. 33 AD'
Things I Didn't Give Up For Lent... Coffee Mug - 11 oz.
Stations of the Cross Cling SetStations of the Cross Cling Set
Easter Bloom Adult XL SocksEaster Bloom Adult XL Socks
Easter Bloom Adult XL Socks
Sale price$15.99