140 products
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navy dress socks with St. Joseph and infant Jesus on them, yellow heel, toe, and cuff, lilys and carpenter squaresflat image of navy dress socks with St. Joseph and infant Jesus on them, yellow heel, toe, and cuff, lilys and carpenter squares
St. Joseph Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
a navy pair of socks with St. Michael the Archangel slaying a demon words "defend us in battle" on bottom of foota person standing on a sidewalk wearing St. Michael Sock Religious socks
St. Michael Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
a pair of socks with St. Therese of Lisieux on them, pattern is of red rosesa pair of St. Therese Catholic Sock Religious socks, the background is blue with a bright red rose pattern
green St. Francis of Assisi socks with tree pattern, birds, and a tau crossa person wearing St. Francis of Assisi socks, the bottom says "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace."
teal, orange and yellow socks featuring Our Lady of GuadalupePerson on steps wearing Our Lady of Guadalupe Adult Dress Socks
a pair of green St. Patrick adult dress socks with shamrocks on thema person wearing green socks with shamrocks on them showing bottom of foot
St. Patrick Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
St. John Paul II Adult SocksSt. John Paul II Adult Socks
a pair of navy dress socks with a nativity scene on them  "o come let us adore him" is on the bottoman adult and kids pair of dress socks with the nativity scene on them "o come let us adore him" is on the bottom
Nativity Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
pair of catholic dress socks featuring the Divine Mercy Image of Jesusa woman wearing Divine Mercy dress socks showing bottom of foot that reads "Jesus, I trust in you"
Divine Mercy Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
a t - shirt with an image of St. Michael the Archangel on it. It says "Never go without your wingman"a navy t-shirt with an image of St. Michael the Archangel on it. It says "Never go without your wingman"
Blue dress socks with St. Joan of Arc on them with a fleur de lis pattern on them the bottom says "I am not afraid, I was born to do this"a woman wearing blue dress socks with St. Joan of Arc on them with a fleur de lis pattern on them with brown boots
St. Joan of Arc Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
a pair of blue and white socks with a picture of a man wearing a hata close up of a child's feet wearing a pair of blue and white socks with a picture of a man wearing a hat
a t - shirt with a picture of St. Joseph the Worker that says "Work Hard, Pray Hard"a green t - shirt with a  picture of St. Joseph the Worker that says "Work Hard, Pray Hard"
Work Hard Pray Hard - St. Joseph the Worker Adult T-Shirt
Sale priceFrom $26.99

8 colors available

a blue t - shirt with a picture of St. Anthony on it that says "Don't be a loser."a purple t - shirt with  a picture of St. Anthony on it that says "Don't be a loser."
Don't Be a Loser - St. Anthony of Padua Adult T-Shirt
Sale priceFrom $26.99

8 colors available

St. Thérèse of Lisieux No Show SocksSt. Thérèse of Lisieux No Show Socks
t-shirt with St. Peter on it that says "Classic Rock"a purple t-shirt with St. Peter on it that says "Classic Rock"
Classic Rock - St. Peter, Cephas Adult T-Shirt
Sale priceFrom $26.99

8 colors available

t-shirt with St. Juan Diego wearing tilma that shows Our Lady of Guadalupe. Shirt says "Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer"purple t-shirt with St. Juan Diego wearing tilma that shows Our Lady of Guadalupe. Shirt says "Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer"
Then I Saw Her Face - St. Juan Diego Adult T-Shirt
Sale priceFrom $26.99

7 colors available

St. Michael No Show SocksSt. Michael No Show Socks
St. Michael No Show Socks
Sale price$13.99
St. Joan of Arc No Show SocksSt. Joan of Arc No Show Socks
navy blue socks with St. Michael the Archangel slaying a demon and the words 'defend us in battle' on the bottom of the footflat lay of navy blue socks with St. Michael the Archangel slaying a demon and the words 'defend us in battle' on the bottom of the foot
St. Michael Kids Socks
Sale price$11.99
Woman Up - St. Joan of Arc Adult T-ShirtWoman Up - St. Joan of Arc Adult T-Shirt
Woman Up - St. Joan of Arc Adult T-Shirt
Sale priceFrom $25.99

8 colors available

t-shirt featuring St. John Paul II that says "Be not afraid"purple t-shirt featuring St. John Paul II that says "Be not afraid"
Be Not Afraid - St. John Paul II Adult T-Shirt
Sale priceFrom $26.99

6 colors available

t-shirt with image of the last supper that says "Sup, y'all"purple t-shirt with image of the last supper that says "Sup, y'all"
Sup y'all - Last Supper Adult T-Shirt
Sale priceFrom $26.99

8 colors available

t-shirt featuring St. Padre Pio that says "Pray, hope, and hakuna matata."purple t-shirt featuring St. Padre Pio that says "Pray, hope, and hakuna matata."
Hakuna Matata - St. Padre Pio Adult T-Shirt
Sale priceFrom $26.99

6 colors available