Woman Up - St. Joan of Arc Adult T-Shirt
Woman Up - St. Joan of Arc Adult T-Shirt
Heather Navy / XS
SRHQ Warehouse
5305 Commerce Square Drive
Suite B
Indianapolis IN 46237
United States
Testify to the unswerving strength of holy womanhood with this St. Joan of Arc battle shirt.
St. Joan of Arc fought against cultural norms, disbelief, and, of course, the English in the Hundred Years' War in the early 1400s. With conviction in her mission from God confirmed by resolute peace, St. Joan continued to answer God's mission through many oppressive hardships. Most famously, St. Joan was known for her part in the French army in the war against the English. However, it is less known that she refused to use her sword in battle, preferring "40 times" over to carry her inspired banner of Christ as instructed by angels who visited her. St. Joan admitted that she would have rather spun wool with her mother for a living, but carried out the Lord's will instead. With all her sufferings and success, St. Joan of Arc's life may be summed up with her encouraging quote: "I am not afraid; I was born to do this."
For more information on the fascinating life of St. Joan of Arc, see Catholic Online for a fuller account.
Extend the testimony of St. Joan of Arc to others, regularly regain your inspiration from St. Joan's example, or exercise generosity by giving a friend the gift of St. Joan's witness to Christ and His Church with this That One Sheep shirt.
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