Explore our Stations of the Cross, where each station includes thoughtful reflection, prayer, and a corresponding action. Immerse yourself in the profound spirituality of the Stations of the Cross as you engage with these beautifully crafted clings.

Before each station, recite the following:

"We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You."

"Because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world."

Imagine someone saying you did something wrong when you didn’t. That’s not fair, right? Jesus had this happen too. He was blamed even though he did nothing wrong. It’s like when someone thinks you broke a toy, but it wasn’t you. 

Think about how it feels to be blamed for that broken toy. Jesus understands that feeling.

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus under the first station and put the purple cloak on Jesus.

Picture Jesus holding a really heavy cross. It was hard for him, but he did it to show us how to be brave without complaining. It’s like when you carry your big backpack even when it’s heavy.

Think about a time that you carried something that was too heavy for you. How were you able to be strong? Jesus can help you be strong.

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus under the second station and place the cross on his shoulder.

Jesus was carrying the cross and he fell down. This shows us that it’s okay to make mistakes or have a hard time. It’s like when you’re learning to ride a bike and you fall, but you get back up again.

Think about a time when you fell down and had to get back up. How were you able to get back up?

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus under the third station and put the cross at his feet.

Jesus sees his mom, Mary, and they are both very sad. It reminds us that our families love us and feel sad with us when we are hurt. It’s like when you’re sad and your mom or dad gives you a hug.

Think about a time when you were sad and your parent/family helped comfort you. How did that make you feel?

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus under the fourth station, put cross back on his shoulders, and bring Mary to comfort him.

Jesus is tired, so a man named Simon helps him carry the cross. It’s like when a friend helps you with something hard. We can help others too, just like Simon helped Jesus.

Think about a time when you were tired and needed some help. Who helped you? How can you be a helper to someone today?

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus and Simon under the fifth station, and put the cross on Simon's shoulders.

A kind woman named Veronica wipes Jesus’ face to make him feel better. It’s like when someone helps clean your face when you’re messy. We can be kind and help others feel better too.

Think about a time when someone helped you clean your face. How can you do small things like this for your family and friends?

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus under the sixth station and wipe his face with her veil.

Jesus falls down again because he’s so tired. This shows us that sometimes things are hard and we might not get it right the first time. It’s okay to try again, just like Jesus did.

Think about a time when you had to try multiple times to get something to work like learning to write numbers or kicking a ball. Jesus knows what it’s like to be tired and keep trying too.

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus under the seventh station and put the cross at his feet.

Even though Jesus is sad, he stops to talk to some women who are also sad. This shows us that we can care about others even when we’re having a hard time. It’s like when you share your toy with a friend who’s feeling sad.

Think about a time when you have been a good friend or sibling by caring when they are sad.

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus under the eighth station.

Jesus falls down once more. He’s really tired, but he keeps going. This tells us that even when things are really hard, we can keep trying, just like Jesus did.

Think about a time when you wanted to give up and stop trying. Has anyone ever been mean to  you? Were you able to forgive them and show kindness?

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus under the ninth station and put the cross at his feet.

Jesus has his clothes taken away, which is surprising and embarrassing. Jesus shows us that even when people try to make things hard for us, we can remember that Jesus knows that feeling too.

Think about a time when you felt embarrassed. Jesus was there with you even then.

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus under the tenth station and remove the purple garment from him.

Jesus gets hurt when he’s put on the cross. It shows he loves us a lot because he’s willing to go through something painful. It’s like when you get a boo-boo, it hurts so much. 

Think about a time you've needed a bandaid. Jesus knows that experience. Did your boo-boo get better? Is there anyone in your family that also has pain?

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus under the eleventh station, put the nails on the cross using the hammer, move the Roman Soldier next to the cross.

Jesus is on the cross and he says goodbye because he’s going to heaven. It’s sad, but it shows he loves everyone so much. It’s like when you say goodbye to a friend, knowing you’ll see them again.

Think about someone you love who you have had to say “see you later” to.  How happy were you to see them again? Did you miss them when they were gone?

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus and the cross under the twelfth station, put the stick and sponge next to Jesus' mouth, move the Roman Soldier next to the cross.

After Jesus says goodbye, his friends take care of him. This shows that we should take care of people we love. It’s like when you help clean up or give someone a band-aid.

Think about a time when your parents helped give you a bath. It’s wonderful to be cared for by people you love.

Suggested action with cling: Move Jesus on the cross under the thirteenth station, move the Roman Soldier next to the cross, pierce Jesus' side with the spear, remove the nails from the cross, then take Jesus off the cross.

Jesus is laid in a tomb, which is like a big stone bed. It’s a sad time, but it reminds us that even when sad things happen, good things can come later. It’s like when something ends, but then you start something new and exciting.

Think about a time when it was hard to see how a problem would be solved. Jesus’ friends knew that experience too.

Suggested action with cling: Move the stone over the fourteenth station.