San Damiano Cross Sticker 10-pack
San Damiano Cross Sticker 10-pack
SRHQ Warehouse
5305 Commerce Square Drive
Suite B
Indianapolis IN 46237
United States
"Go rebuild my Church" were the words declared from the image of Christ in the San Damiano cross to St. Francis of Assisi. These words sparked an awakening and a new zeal in Francis who began to repair the literal construction of the nearby churches. What Francis didn't know, is that this call to "repair" would come through the founding of the Franciscan Order.
The iconographic cross is full of rich imagery including the Ascension at the top, holy angels surrounding Jesus in awe of his sacrifice to either side, as well as images of key figures such as the Blessed Virgin and St. John the Evangelist surrounding him in his Passion.
Today, the San Damiano cross hangs in the Basilica of St. Clare in Assisi, Italy with a replica in its original position in the Church of San Damiano nearby.
This sticker will remind you to be open to God's call in your life!
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