Divine Mercy Sticker 10-pack
Divine Mercy Sticker 10-pack
SRHQ Warehouse
5305 Commerce Square Drive
Suite B
Indianapolis IN 46237
United States
Jesus’ message to Sister (now Saint) Faustina was nothing new, but a reminder to the world of who God is, and has been, from the beginning: Love and Mercy itself! God reminds us again and again that He is a loving and merciful Father, therefore we can trust Him with our whole hearts!
The red rays signify blood while the blue rays signify water and Baptism; Both remind us of when Jesus’ side was pierced at the crucifixion, the greatest act of love in the history of the world!
In what ways do you need to grow in trust of Jesus? Put this sticker in a visible location and every time you see it, pray the beautiful, sometimes hard to say prayer, “Jesus, I trust in you,” as an exercise of faith!
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