54 products
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St. Michael the Archangel sticker with words 'defend us in battle'St. Michael the Archangel sticker with words 'defend us in battle' on a black tumbler
St. Michael Sticker
Sale price$3.99
Green socks with green clovers and St. Patrick of Irelandman sitting showing bottom of Green socks with green clovers and St. Patrick of Ireland
St. Patrick Adult XL Socks
Sale price$15.99
St. Joseph and the infant Jesus with various names of Joseph listed around the outsideSt. Joseph and the infant Jesus with various names of Joseph listed around the outside on a black notebook
St. Joseph Sticker
Sale price$3.99
a pair of socks with a picture of Pope Francisa person wearing a pair of socks with a picture of Pope Francis
Pope Francis Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
A pair of blue socks with a deign on itA person sitting on steps wearing A pair of blue socks with a deign on it
Chi Rho Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
maroon and light brown socks that repeat 'pray, hope, and don't worry' in the background and feature St. Padre Pioman sitting wearing maroon and light brown socks that repeat 'pray, hope, and don't worry' in the background and feature St. Padre Pio
St. Thomas Aquinas Adult XL SocksSt. Thomas Aquinas Adult XL Socks
St. Francis of Assisi Adult XL SocksSt. Francis of Assisi Adult XL Socks
Mystery T Shirt Bags - 3 shirts for the price of 2!Mystery T Shirt Bags - 3 shirts for the price of 2!
front of mug that says "Lord, open my lips"back of mug that says "and my mouth will proclaim your praise (and drink my coffee)"
Sacred Heart Adult XL SocksSacred Heart Adult XL Socks
Sacred Heart Adult XL Socks
Sale price$15.99
St. Sebastian - Patron of Athletes Adult XL SocksSt. Sebastian - Patron of Athletes Adult XL Socks
Chi Rho Catholic Men's Performance PoloChi Rho Catholic Men's Performance Polo
IHS Catholic Men's Performance PoloIHS Catholic Men's Performance Polo
Liturgical Living Adult XL Dress SocksLiturgical Living Adult XL Dress Socks
St. Lawrence Adult SocksSt. Lawrence Adult Socks
St. Lawrence Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99
front of coffee mug with image of st. Joseph the worker in gray tonesback of mug says "Grind." in large letters, followed by "Saint Joseph the Worker"
Gift Card
Gift Card
Sale priceFrom $10.00
Monstrance Catholic Men's Performance PoloMonstrance Catholic Men's Performance Polo
Jerusalem Cross Catholic Men's Performance PoloJerusalem Cross Catholic Men's Performance Polo
St. Thérèse of Lisieux Adult XL SocksSt. Thérèse of Lisieux Adult XL Socks
t-shirt with St. Lawrence on it that says "Grill Master"dark gray t-shirt with St. Lawrence on it that says "Grill Master"
Grill Master - St. Lawrence Adult T-Shirt
Sale priceFrom $26.99

8 colors available

Keys to the Kingdom Catholic Men's Performance PoloKeys to the Kingdom Catholic Men's Performance Polo
Holy Communion Adult SocksHoly Communion Adult Socks
Holy Communion Adult Socks
Sale price$15.99